A game that I liked (ChessBase 12)
[Event "New York"] [Site "New York"] [Date "1911.??.??"] [Round "3"] [White "Jaffe, Charles"] [Black "Capablanca, Jose Raul"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D13"] [PlyCount "100"] [EventDate "1911.01.23"] [EventType "tourn"] [EventRounds "12"] [EventCountry "USA"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceDate "1999.07.01"] {This opening is similar to games I have played. It is full of manuevering and endgame technique. Jaffe had the reputation of being an inventive player. I believe I'll look for more of his games with this opening to find more ideas for my games.} 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 c5 3. c3 cxd4 4. cxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Ne5 { White threatens to trade N's and create a weak pawn on c6. White is able to be more agressive in these positions because of the first move. Black needs to wait until he equalizes before attacking.} e6 (6... Nxe5 7. dxe5 Ng4 (7... d4 8. Qa4+ Bd7 9. Qxd4 {White wins a pawn.}) 8. Bf4 $14) 7. Bg5 {This is the type of move I play in these situations.} (7. Nxc6 bxc6 8. Bf4) (7. Qa4 Bd7 8. Nxd7 Qxd7 {White has given up his outpost on e5.}) (7. Bf4) (7. e3) 7... Qb6 (7... Be7 {is solid but most people play Qb6.}) (7... Nxe5 {Just loses the N.}) 8. Nxc6 (8. Bxf6 gxf6 9. Nxc6 bxc6 10. Qd2) (8. Na4 Qb4+ 9. Bd2 Qxd4) 8... bxc6 { The c pawn is weak.} 9. Rb1 {Jaffe played Rb1 ,I was expecting a more inventive move.} (9. Bxf6 gxf6 10. Qc2) (9. Qd2) (9. Qa4 Qxb2 10. Qxc6+ Bd7 11. Qxa8+) 9... Bb4 10. Bxf6 gxf6 {Now Black has no place to castle but w/o a dark squared Bishop e2 is not a bad refuge for the Black King.} 11. e3 {My urge here is to play e3 or g3 to develop the Bishop. Black has no immediate threats. } Qa5 12. Qd2 {The text lines up the Q & K on the same diagonal wth the N pinned to the Q. Why?} (12. a3 Bxc3+ 13. bxc3 Qxc3+) (12. Qc2 Bxc3+ 13. bxc3) ( 12. a4 Bxc3+ 13. bxc3 Qxc3+) 12... Rb8 {Black increases the pressure on the Q side. Now if BxN, PxB then RxR+, so it looks like Bd3 is the answer.} 13. Bd3 { Now Black has to keep an eye on the h pawn , but still has a lot of play on the Q side.} Bxc3 (13... h5) (13... Ke7) (13... e5 14. dxe5 fxe5 {With the possibility of 15....e4}) 14. bxc3 {QxB loses the a pawn.} Rxb1+ (14... Qc7) 15. Bxb1 {White looks to be castling in the next couple of moves to connect the rooks, if Black does not trade.} Ba6 (15... h5 {frees up the R to move to g8 and pressure eh White Kside.}) (15... Ke7 {Allows the Rook to move along the 8th rank protects the pawn on f6}) {White has a badly placed Rook and can't castle. White also has to pay attention to the a pawn and therefore has few options for the Bishop. Perhaps Qb2 folllowed by Kd2 protecting the c pawn threatning Qb8+ and allowing the Rook to enter the fray.} 16. Qb2 Kd7 (16... Qb5 {Almost forcing the Queen trade because the White Q is en prise wth few places. to go.}) (16... Ke7 {Protects the f pawn and allows the Rook to control the 8 rank. Kd7 does the same thing but doesn't protect the f pawn but can be followed by Kc7 to allow Rb8.}) (16... Bc4 {attacking the a pawn while still not allowing White to Castle.}) 17. Kd2 {To free the Rook.} Qb6 { A better choice than I made to trade Queens. now if QxQ, PxQ and the a pawn is reconnected to the c pawn.} (17... Kc7 {To prep for Rb8.}) (17... Bc4 { Attacking the a pawn.}) (17... Qb5 {Offering to trade Queens. don't see an advantage for black at this time.}) 18. Qxb6 (18. Qb3 {Is possible trying to gain the adavntage from the Q trade.}) 18... axb6 {White's a pawn and Blacks h pawn are isolated. White needs an open file for the Rook.} 19. e4 {Did not see this coming,} (19. h4 {Allows a rook lift and attempts to freeze the Black h pawn.}) (19. Bc2 {allowing Rb1}) (19. Bd3 {Offering an exchange of Bishops. I believe this would be an advantage for White, because the K would be placed on d3 and would facilitate the pawn advance by white.}) 19... Ra8 {Ignoring the center and attacking the a pawn.} (19... dxe4 20. Bxe4 f5) (19... Kd6 20. exd5 Kxd5 {Avoiding any isolated pawns.}) (19... e5 20. dxe5 fxe5 {Now Black can push the d pawn and creat a passer.}) 20. exd5 {Then followed by Bc2 w/o losing the pawn, this also opens the possibility for BxP.} (20. Bc2 Bc4 21. Bb3 dxe4) (20. Kc2 Bc4 21. Kb2 {Takes the King away from the center.}) 20... cxd5 { This isolates the b pawn. But is the better of the choices.} (20... exd5 { Isolates the doubled f pawns.}) 21. Bc2 (21. Bxh7 {I don't think White can save the a pawn.}) 21... Bc4 {don't understand. After Bc4. 22 Bb3, Ra3 the pawn falls anyway.} {Ok, what resource does white have for the a pawn that I have overlooked. Bb3, Ra3, 23. Rb1.} 22. a4 {I seem to have lost the feel for this game. Time for a little break.} h5 {Got this one, look for White to activate the rook next move.} (22... h6) (22... Kc6) (22... f5) 23. Rb1 {Yep.} (23. Re1) 23... Kc6 {This is the move I picked.} (23... Ra6) (23... Kc7) (23... Rb8 {Yuk, ties down the Black Rook.}) 24. Rb4 {I don't understand this move.} Rg8 {The Rook now attacks the g pawn and has access to the g file. I saw the move but didnt' think it was strongest.} (24... b5) (24... f5) (24... h4) ( 24... Bf1) 25. g3 {Protecting the g pawn. May be followed up with h4 to fix the Black pawn on a light square.} h4 {Good move. If White plays gh then the Rook gobbles up all the White pawns on the Kside.} (25... f5) (25... b5 {This move no longer works as the a pawn can now just push past. However the Black Rook can return to a8 and the pawn will then fall. Perhaps a better move than I gave it credit for at the start.}) 26. Be4 {If PxB then RxB+ and black has 2 doubled pawns. The point of Rb4 is now clear, however Black doesn't need to take and now White has two problems, the Bishop is en prise and the h pawn may end up being vulnerable.} (26. Rb1 {To swing over to the Kside as the Qside looks to be stable.}) 26... Kc7 (26... Rg4 {This doesn't work as the pawn is pinned and White just plays RxB+}) (26... Kd6 {Unpins the pawn.}) (26... dxe4 27. Rxc4+ Kd7 {Moving the K to the 7th rank prevents the White Rook from posting on the 7th.}) 27. Bf3 {Allows a follow up of Bh5 attacking the f7 pawn. } (27. Ke3) (27. Bh7) (27. Bd3) 27... Rh8 {Not one of my choices. Follow up hg with Rh2. I thought the pawn exchange would happen first.} (27... hxg3) (27... Rg5 {Follow up with Rf5 hitting the B and attacking the f pawn.}) (27... f5) 28. Rb2 {Probably my 2nd choice behind Ke3.} (28. g4) (28. Ke3) 28... hxg3 {My first choice. Now the Rook has access to the back of the White position} (28... f5) (28... Kc6) 29. hxg3 (29. fxg3 {drops the h pawn with check.}) 29... Ra8 { Bd1 protects the a pawn, don't understand this move.} (29... Rh2) 30. Rb4 {Why is this better than Bd1? Is it because of the possible Bh5?} Rh8 {Expected. If Black leaves the Rook on a8 then RxB+, PxR, BxR winning a piece.} 31. Ke3 { Yeah I like this best.} (31. Rb2) (31. Be2) 31... e5 {Hmm. If de then the Black pawn center is stronger. If White doesn't take then e4 followed by f5 and the pawn advance is in full operation.} (31... Rh2) (31... f5) 32. Rb1 (32. Be2 Bxe2 33. Kxe2 e4 34. Rb1 {Looks to me like Black is better.}) 32... Ra8 { With the Rook of b4 a8 is now available again.} (32... e4 {Forcing the Bishop off the f3 square and allowing the f pawn to advance.}) (32... f5 {Preping for e4}) (32... exd4+ 33. cxd4 {and the isolated, doubled f pawns are vulnerable.} --) 33. Bd1 {So why Bd1 now and not before? Is it just to see what Black will do?} (33. Rb4) (33. Rh1 {Looking to win the f pawns}) 33... Re8 {Now ed is a discovered check. I still like e4 better although Kf4 has some potential.} ( 33... e4) (33... Rh8) (33... exd4+) 34. Bf3 {Why are we back at that square.} ( 34. Bh5 {Attacking the f7 pawn}) (34. Be2 {No longer is a viable alternative.}) (34. Bg4 exd4+ 35. Kxd4 {The Black Rook has no place to go on the e file.}) 34... Ra8 {Back home again in Indiana, Black is after the a pawn again forcing White to react.} (34... e4) (34... f5) (34... exd4+) 35. Rb4 {Forcing, once again, the Rook to move.} (35. Bd1) {These guys are a lot mor patient than I about maneuvering.} 35... Rh8 (35... Re8) (35... e4) 36. Be4 {Ok I see why Black can't take, but I'm pretty sure Black sees it as well. What is the point? } (36. Rb1) (36. Rb2) 36... Rh2 {why now rather than before.} 37. Bf3 { returning to that square again.} (37. Rb2 dxe4) (37. Bf5) 37... Rh8 {Why come to h2 then back to h8? Seems like we are repeating positions a lot.} (37... e4) 38. Rb1 (38. Be4 {Still can't take it! I'm running out of ideas for this position!}) 38... Ra8 (38... e4) 39. Rb4 Re8 40. Rb1 (40. Bh5) 40... Ra8 41. Rb4 b5 42. Bd1 (42. axb5 {doesn't this just win the b pawn, and a passer to boot?}) 42... bxa4 43. Rxa4 Rxa4 44. Bxa4 Kd6 {The pawn on f7 is a possible target.} 45. Bc2 (45. f4 e4) 45... Bb5 46. Bd3 Bd7 47. c4 dxc4 48. Bxc4 Be6 49. Bd3 Kd5 50. Be4+ Kc4 1/2-1/2